Friday, March 23, 2012

Around the Barn

 Had to post a few of the barn and life with the horses here....

Told you - I took a lot of Maxie.

 The ponies
 My favorite person.


And then sometimes, this happens.  Poor Katharina was bit by one of the stallions when she was trying to cut the strings off a hay bale. You handled it quite well, I must say! What color is that bruise today, by the way? 

 Btw, they raise them to eat them. I didn't know you could.

 Mr. Paolo 
 Ok, these two...just had to put some progressive photos in here of Martina & Marco. If kids could have innocent fun together, it is them. No teacher was around actually but they just were doing their drills and having a good ole time.  

 And there they go again...
And then I just had to show this. I came upon Marco by himself in the pen with his horse and determined to find a way to get on top of her without a bench or a saddle. Not sure if he was just being a little disobedient here or if this is normal but bare back with crocs on, and no saddle.  Don't let Nevio see this :)


Lesli Douglass said...

Oh. my. gosh. Maxi lying on his back in the hay???! Mooze!! The horse bite--ack!! Ouch. Bless her heart. Why do they have so many horses? What do they use them for? The Marco and Martina ones riding their horses are PRECIOUS. I love them. And they raise doves to eat? I didn't know that, either. Such sweet images, Amber, as always.

Just Me said...

Amber, Love the "horse show"! Sorry you cannot bring one back with you. Loved the shot of Maxie on her back! What a dog's life! I love animals, so I really enjoyed these photos. Thank you!