While I was in Florence at the train station, me and what seemed like the rest of the world were waiting for our trains to arrive. After buying a small french fry & medium coke from McDonalds for $5, I landed a front row seat in front of this precious bundle of joy. His parents were ok with me taking his photo so I snapped away. He was so cute, I just had to post some.
I have found that being on this trip, children really make my day. It seems consistently we are both drawn to each other and usually it's at their initiation. I will just be sitting there doing my thing and not realize a child is staring at me trying to get my attention. And then it's like...boom, moments of joy open up for me. If I stop doing what I'm doing and interact leaving my adult self behind, immediately forget that I paid $5 for a coke and luke warm fries, or that my train is taking a while or that my feet are tired. It just all slips away because they carry a joy that is so carefree and contagious it seems.
Good for you, Amber!---staying in the present--he's adorable!!---love the way you've captured him.
Thanks, Mary, for all your kind gestures and comments; they really mean so much! He was laughing quite loudly and just bouncing all over the place.
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