Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Verona, Juliet & Dinner for One

ok, so I just had to show a train iternary for a one way ticket from Pisa to Verona.  Normally it's more direct than this but I wanted to save some $ so I took the one with all the stop offs. Unfortunately, the first stop off was too close together , plus my train was running late, so I missed my 2nd stop and had to get re-routed. Which wasn't a big deal but at first I was frustrated. There aren't conductors usually just standing around to help you in the smaller train stops, so you have to get back in the ticket line to ask a simple, 'where is my train and what is it's final destination?' All the while knowing it could be one of the trains departing b/c you had to wait in line to ask.  It's quite complicated but once you get the hang of it, it's not so bad, though it seems a bit old school at times. Those are stains from when I was trying to hold my little coffee, tote my suitcase, climb stairs, look for a conductor and a train...and a monitor screen and my watch and decipher the handwriting of the ticket person.  : ) 

So I arrived safely in Verona and this is the view from my hostel window. I stayed in this really awesome place that houses women travelers but they also run a program for women who are coming out of poverty. I felt like I could take the chance b/c once again, Rick Steve recommended it. It was probably the cleanest, nicest hostel I've seen yet on my trip to Italy. And I was the only person in my dorm room so, even better. 

The above photo is also part of the hostel. 
Then, took a walk outside a few blocks.

Juliet's Balcony (or so they think).
One of the reasons I stopped in Verona was because of Juliet's balcony. I had seen the movie, "Letters to Juliet", which is SO good...loved it, and thought I needed to make this a stop. As are a lot of things in Italy - if it's a tourist spot, then, everyone and their mother wants a photo of themselves in front of it. It gets really old really quick (for me)...but nonetheless, I find the joy in it! If I made it all the way to Juliet's balcony with my beloved, I might have someone take a photo of us kissing in front of the graffiti wall with gum stuck all over it too...who knows! I can't say at this point. 
 This is where everyone drops their letters for the Juliet Club, which they then will respond to you. They unfortunately just moved their club outside of the city center so I wasn't able to stop in. 
And the "thing" to do is touch Juliet's right, bronze breast for a good relational future. 

I think if I lived in Italy or anywhere that used bikes, I'd have a bike like this.

I really liked Verona.  Beautiful as usual, quaint, lots of good window shopping - the nicer more quality items. It was a bit cooler this night so I was actually wearing a jacket. 

 Had to take a photo. : )  

And then I ended the evening with a dinner by candlelight looking out at Piazza Erbe. Nice...It was just good to sit down and eat a yummy meal with a glass of wine and look out at the people passing by.  Just me and God chillin' in Verona.  : )

This is the night view from my window at the hostel. So pretty and romantic with the sun setting. Nice end to my evening. 


Amanda Conley said...

That is a beautiful place. And it's funny they have a store called Nashville!

Anonymous said...

Amber, Enoch and I stopped in Verona quickly over ten years ago when we went trekking through Italy. I really enjoyed it, too. Somewhat off the map but beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Loving Verona with you! So sorry you had so much trouble with your train travel! Blessings! Enjoy your last week! Can't wait to see your new farm. Love, Mom

Lesli Douglass said...

Ahhhh, fair Verona!! Loved it so much. Your photos are a compliment to the city. So you went to Juliet's balcony, and you took a picture of the mailbox, but you never said whether you put a letter in the box...???;-)

I can't believe you are still in Italy! I don't think I realized your trip was this long. Wow, what a long stay. Are you still loving it or are you ready to come home? Where will you be next?

The photo of the candle on your table outside Piazza Erbe really spoke to me. Lovely moment.

Just Me said...

Yes, the bike is cool! Love the flowers on the veranda's. The tulips are lovely, too! The architecture is way awesome! That bridge is just amazing! Verona by night is beautiful! Don't know how you do it. I'd have to pull someone off the street to share the wine with. Jus' sayin'.