Friday, March 23, 2012

Scenery at Monticino

Pronounced..."montichino".  I have had all week to take photos around the area and while I would have liked to provide this the first day, I knew that I would end up wanting to do another blog about it, as more images/moments would have popped up. So, oddly I am doing this the last day.  It has taken that long to let it marinate and find the right images to represent this unique and beautiful atmosphere. I am leaving in the morning and there is still so much I have not really seen or...blogged to you about. If I can I will post my horse ride & Nevio working on the vineyard later tonight. I hope! Here are scenes that are directly around this place as well as a look inside the house.  These by no means are all of them, but some that I thought would give a diverse array of life here. 

 It sits on what seems like the last hill before the ocean and the first hill into the rolling hills. So it's quite a jog up the hill (more like panting and walking) if you go to the store or just down to the bottom.

Both of those views are from across the way; the stables and then the guest house/restaurant.  

This is Maxi. I took her photo a ton this week!

I saw this cat once and it was through the lens at this moment...but it is their cat - Tigro. 

 Before you pass by this one, notice the ridge with horses. Really gives some perspective on size.

 This is the path leads up to the ridge where you can see for what seems like at least a mile. 

And then inside, you will find this... 
 There is a fire going pretty much all day long, even if it's not super cold outside. 

My room is not shown because it was quite messy! But I took these and some others for their website. In many ways my "job" this week has been as a documentarian photographically. I didn't think I would take as many photos but it seemed as though that was a need and desire that I could meet, which I was thankful for.  That is what I enjoy and I got to participate in some new things along the way.  I leave in the morning and I still need to pack but I'm so dying to show you the other stuff I have as well...we'll see if I can get to it. 


Annie Heyward said...

Amber, wow. These photos are so breath-taking! Those hills, the fields, the horses, the winery/ beautiful! And that inn and bedroom! AHHH! So incredible. I agree with your friend, I sigh living these experiences through your eyes!

Lesli Douglass said...

I love seeing all these pictures of this now famous place, Monticino. The Italian landscape never fails to capture me--it is so varied, like a beautiful quilt--each "square" set aside for some specific use, which makes it beautiful. I love that they put flowers/blooming branches on the table and that they find a way to incorporate beauty into the everyday.

Just Me said...

Hey Amber. All I can say is... wow. Such beauty every where you look. The two doves were cute. I'm glad they wanted you to take photos for them. It has truly blessed them. I, too, really like Tigro. He looks so serious as if he's patrolling the farm to keep it safe from every pesky field mouse. It is a BEAUTIFUL farm and guesthouse.